Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Kirat Rai Women

Kirat Rai 

The jewellery of the KIRAT RAI WOMEN consist of the distinct SHIRPHUL disc on the forehead with CHANDRAHAAR it may be in square or round shape , CRESCENT HALF MOON shape tripartite gold headband with a star( SIRBANDI) . Their characteristic ear ornament is DUNGRI , a large gold stud and CHAPTESUN , a round flat gold earring with BULAKI as a striking septum ring on the nose. They wear PUWALO , KANTHA gold beads on red felt pads, a gold amulet and a two-tiered flat silver amulet container at the centre with the chain element . The COMPANY MALA (coin) or silver coin necklace is from the days of the east india company . A unique feature of the complete array of ornaments includes a musical instrument MURCHUNGA,BINAYO ( made from bamboo malingo) & DHAJURA worn on the left sleeve . They also wear silver BANGLES,ANKLETS & many more.